Having fun in Studio


So great, all the VST’s (Virtual Studio Technology) are coming to life in this great sounding producing studio!

Turning the buttons with my hands, instead of touching a button with the computer mouse.

Pop stage: De Peppel Zeist

Partytime at pop stage De Peppel (Zeist, The Netherlands). Always a big party with the kidz. Theme this time was Super Heroes!

Last 15 minutes: All Ages

Funky Vegan Festival

Playing a set at Funky Vegan Festival / DOK Amsterdam! Always fun to play in the capital of The Netherlands Amsterdam!

Teenage Dance – Studio A12

Selfie !!! Every month playing a set during Teenage Dance at Brothers / Studio A12 Bunnik!

Next one on november 4, 2019

Episode 50 of Energy of Trance

After almost 1 year, making every week a brand new episode, I celebrate this week episode 50 of Energy of Trance!

Check: Spotify