Tag Archive for: DJOI

djoi 20160611

DJOI Part-time with Coolsma

Everybody was on the dancefloor at the DJOI D‎riebergen tonight. It was a  ‎great party, really partytime!!!! Thanx!!!

DJOI Teendisco

DJOI Teenparty

Partytime tonight at the ‎DJOI Driebergen. Let rock the place with pop music, eurodance, deephouse, progressive house and ‎electrohouse!

Kingsday 2016

Kingsday 2016

Happy Kindsday Willem Alexander!
@Koning_NL, @koninklijkhuis!

OBS Dolfijn at DJOI

Second gig of the day !

Second gig of the day !!! Party for OBS Dolfijn, ‎Wereldkidz ‎Driebergen.

Birthday party at DJOI

Birthday party at the DJOI

Birthday party / ‎girl party / private party at the DJOI, ‎Welnuh, Driebergen, Heuvelrug. Dancing on the small stage around the DJ booth. It was awesome!

Group 8 of CBS Coolsma at the DJOI Driebergen

group 8 of ‎CBS Coolsma at the DJOI

Group 8 of ‎CBS Coolsma at the DJOI Driebergen. Amazing teendisco party! Wow! I loved it!

DJOI Sparrenarren carnaval 2016

Carnaval 2016 in Sparrenarren (‎Driebergen)

Crazy Carnaval night at Jongerencentrum DJOI including ‎dansmariekes. Heaving fun with my buddies DJ Tijn de kruijf and lighting technician Sven.
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DJOI Driebergen

Birthday Party at DJOI

Tonight I was DJ-ing at a birthday party! IT WAS REALLY PARTY TIME!!! Thank you for this awesome party!

Halloween at DJOI

Halloween at DJOI

Halloween at the Jongerencentrum DJOI, Utrechtse Heuvelrug. It was a scary night!

DJOI Afterparty


Afterparty at the DJOI Driebergen, with Sven en Michael !!!
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Tag Archive for: DJOI

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